Sunday, June 28, 2009


Black Beetle: page 6
Hello Pulp friends :)

here's page 6, another silent (kinda) page. I did say Black Beetle is done talkin', right? ;)

Hope you guys dig it and wait to see what happens next :D

Thanks again to all those who purchased the ashcan at Heroes and online: will be shipping the books soon, time to draw a little sketch of our hero inside for you guys :)

Have a great Pulp Sunday everyone :)


All images © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.
BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. There hasn't been a dissapointment (so far) in the noir stuff I've read this week. And even though this page is a silent one and all we can see are your skills in sequential art i'll give it a solid 5/5. BB is great.

    Keep it pulp, Mr. F.

  2. Another great page, with some great composition and visual storytelling.

    And i like the little BB logos on the tails of the darts. ;)

  3. This is SO fun!) It's pulp-style, over-the-top, but very down-to-earth at the same time...just like a good pulp should be.
    I love watching these pieces roll out, and am always in awe of your speed and skill, my friend!

  4. Neue: Thank you so much for the high score (5/5) :D Next page will probably be silent too, but then... oh you'll see.. ;)
    Simon: extra points for spotting the logo-shaped darts :D You are becoming BB agent #1 ;) Thank you for the always kind comments :)
    Skylark: grazie! :D
    Dave: thanks! HAve you checked the Geek Syndicate podcast Ep.126? They talk highly (and rightly so) of your Ghost Zero and Doc Monster (and my BB gets a little spotlight too ;))

