Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Capitan Cold" (aka Xmas 2009)

Capitan Cold

Hello Pulp Friends,

we are only a week away from Xmas so I thought it was a good time to post the card I did this year for the holidays: "CAPITAN COLD"!
My wife and I liked this guy (and the evil polar bear foes ;)) so much that we are planning to develop it a little more, so stay tuned on that.

Meanwhile I wish you all - and your families and friends - a wonderful Holiday Season and a deliciously Pulpish 2010, full of good things for you (and hopefully Pulp Sunday and Black Beetle are part of those things).

Speaking of the Black Beetle, I am working on page 4 of "KARA BOCEK" which will be up this Sunday, soon followed by page 5 before taking a so much needed holiday break.

Cheers to you all, my friends, and thanks for making this such a cool place :)


p.s. click on the image for slightly bigger size.

Capitan Cold created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla
All titles, characters, character names, logos and related indicia
are ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.


  1. Aw, this is sweet, man. :) Much appreciated. I wish you a great holiday season as well. :)

    Merry christmas y'all!

  2. This is fantastic. I loved it. Dare I say it gives me shivers.

  3. Ha! Just noticed the multi-story Igloos!

    Brilliant Francesco. :)

  4. Kyle: that was my goal ;)
    Neue: hehe, thank you :)
    Brian: thanks! :)
    Mike: it should give you shivers: pirate snowmen are serious and dangerous ;) Thank you :)
    Simon: actually it's a castle igloo :D Thank you :)

    As I mentioned, you guys will see more of Capitan Cold ;)

    Happy Holidays,

  5. oops, overlapped Steve while posting.
    Steve: thank you so much, glad you liked it :)

    Happy Holidays!

  6. Supercool! Brilliant stuff that makes me feel all Christmassy and full of geektastic festive cheer.

    I'm now inspired to make a pirate snowman if this snow keeps on falling...

  7. Thank you so much, James :)
    Please take a photo of your pirate snowman, if you do one, and send it to me so we can share it in here with everyone :)

