Friday, December 18, 2009

Black Beetles - Part 6

Black Beetle by Kyle Latino
Some days you just can't get rid of the Black Beetle... ;)

This is definitely a good week for the Black Beetle: so much love coming his way that he almost blushed. But then he remembered that's not something his enemies wanna see from him ;)

Today's homage is from a pulp afecionado and long time friend of Pulp Sunday: Kyle Latino. His "get rid of a bomb" gag is just hilarious: always loved those big bowl-shaped bomb in cartoons and old silent movies (and in the 60s Batman series ;))
Great fun stuff, and beutifully rendered with some old school inking: thank you so much, Kyle :D
If you haven't yet, please check out Kyle's pulp goodness at his site.

And stay tuned for page 4 of Kara Bocek coming this Sunday: things will get kinda "busy" ;)


KARA BOCEK, BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Quite simply, the Black Beetle is the bomb...

  2. HA! :D Thank you, James :)


  3. This has been a great week here on the blog. I love this piece by Kyle. Now I have to go check out his blog.

  4. Thank you, Anthony :) It defnitely is a busier week than a thought thanks to all these beautiful tributes :)
    Glad to hear you are gonna check Kyle's other works: that guy's good :)


  5. Hi, great pick...reminds me of Adam West as Batman in the Batman movie that they did. The scene was Batman on the pier running around with the Bomb above his head. Nice homage.

  6. Yep, Kyle's love for the 60s Batman is quite clear in this tribute: from the goofy situation with the bomb (a classic!) down to the line marks on BB's mask :)
    Always good to see you in here, Ilia, you are an old member fo this little club :)

