Saturday, December 19, 2009

More of Ole Capitan Cold!

Capitan Cold

Hello Pulp Friends,

As suspected (and kinda planned) here's some more Capitan Cold concepts. :)
It also helped that Frosty the Snowman was on last night and pushed me to do the above pencil sketch while watching a bit of tv ;)
I threw some colors on it before going to bed last night - you can see the original pencils too when you click on the image.

To stick with the Xmas spirit, I am thinking to turn the Bear from "baddie" to "buddie" :)
What you guys think? Do you like the idea of this duo swashbackling their way in the North Pole, circa 1625 A.D.? :D
Now I am thinking about some new fiends to introduce in the story...

Happy Holidays,

p.s. Kara Bocek New Page Tomorrow: Be There or Be Square! :)

Capitan Cold created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla
All titles, characters, character names, logos and related indicia
are ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.

Capitan Cold


  1. Love the swashbuckling bear!

    And forget 'be there or be square'. Immo never leave! I'm camping out here to get the good seats...

  2. Reminds me a bit of Han Solo and Chewie.

  3. Kyle: HA! It's like Twilight or Thanksgiving day after sale ;) Thanks, man, glad you dig the bear too :)
    IH: that's exactly what I said when I finished the piece "hey, they look like Han and Chewbacca!" :D A fortunate coincidence, even if my guys are cooler - you know being at the North Pole and all that cold ;)
    Good to see you here btw :)

    Happy Holidays!
