Wednesday, February 10, 2010

J.A.K.E. II Reporting for Duty

G I Robot

Click on the above and below illo for LARGER views.

Hello Pulp Friends,

Some more Pulp fun done for the Comic Twart jam.
Of course, being the Pulp afecionado I am, I couldn't be more happy with such choices. And I am hoping such joy breathes through this week's illo.
I am posting her eon Pulp Sunday also the intial rough sketch, the inks, and a detail of the final rendition.

Now if only I could work on a full mini showcasing GI Robot and set in a (of course Weird) World War II action, I would be (can you believe it?) even happier :D


G I Robot
G I Robot
G I Robot

Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. this character design is awesome!!
    love your work.

  2. Awesome as always Francesco! I'd be first in line to buy this book!

  3. I've been reading the Showcase Presents for the War That Time Forgot, I think that's where he first appeared. They really should do a series with all of the Weird War 2 characters, you know? Give it a Planetary/Agents of Atlas/Secret History of WWII vibe and I would be all over it. But only after you're named as the artist, of course....

  4. One day you will finish the other side with Krakko firing back!

    This also makes a great desk-top. Thaks.

  5. Is there a possibility of some Creature Commandos to go along with this very fine piece of art of J.A.K.E.?

  6. Thank you, Geoff :D
    Thanks, Steve, me too ;)
    Of course, Greg, that would be pretty freaking awesome to draw :) Thank you and now I need to hunt down that SHOWCASE you mentioned.
    Thanks, Jake :) I had to google it but... a samurai robot? Hellyeah! :)
    Thank you, Vic, I am trying to work to make that happen ;)


  7. Great piece of art!

    Character design (mask, eyes) and how he wields the MG reminds me in some way an anime called "Jin-roh: The Wolf Brigade" :)
