Monday, February 8, 2010

Kara Bocek pag.8

Kara Bocek page 8
(click on the above image for larger view)

Hello Pulp friends :)

The following events take place between 10.12 pm and 11.12 pm ;)
Sorry for the 24 nod, but I just realized I am almost telling the story in real time. Plus today it's Monday (instead of SUnday) and that's when the new 24 is on ;)
Yep, a lil' late Kara Bocek page (blame it on the Superbowl of yesterday or, most likely, on a couple of work deadlines), but I hope it was worth the wait.

Hope you enjoy page 8 and please bring on the love :)

Hope you all had a wonderful Pulp Sunday yesterday!


All images © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.
KARA BOCEK, BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2006-2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Another great chapter! I'm loving the serialized nature of this series. Really adds to the overall feel.

    One minor anachronism: Use of the term "jet lag." The first jet aircraft wasn't built until 1939 and commercial jet service didn't start until 1952 (according to Wikipedia).

    Otherwise, excellent job!

  2. Thank you, Roger :D
    Yep, I was a little in doubt about that expression. In Italian we say Fuso Orario (kinda TIME ZONE) which is more generic without reference to the jet. Maybe I should just go with "DARN TIME ZONE"?


  3. Hi Francesco, I just found about your blog, really appreciate your art but I gotta ask about Kara Böcek, how did you come up with this? I am really curious cause I'm from Turkey. I really wonder the story behind this :)
    All the Best!

  4. Ciao Francesco !! Ma qui in fumetteria in Italia anche ci sei ??? E strano perché davvero fai bellissime cose, e mi ricordo che non ho visto niente qui, sono davvero dei disegni e formati molto belli e espressivi, e anche un lavoro grafico particolare !!
    in bocca al lupo

  5. Emre: Thank you :) By now I think many knows that Kara Bocek is Turkish for Black Beetle. When I decided to draw this adventure of The Black Beetle, I was thinking to go exotic ala Casablanca, choosing Turkey instead of Marocco (Istanbul or Constantinople has been in many spy/thriller movies so it was a perfect location for this story). Can't really tell more than that because I don't want to spoiler the story, so I hope you stick around and see where Kara Bocek goes ;)
    Gihen: Grazie! :) Mi sa che la sola cosa tradotta in italiano e' SCALPED (Vertigo). A parte quello, Zorro e gli altri titoli li trovi solo in versione inglese. Non e' colpa mia pero' se non li traducono in Italiano ;)
    Benvenuta! :)


  6. Thanks Francesco, looking forward too read the whole story! Cheers!
