Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nightmare Town - Pt.2

Nightmare Town
(click on the above image for a bigger reading experience ;))

Hello Pulp friends :)

Welcome to PULP FEST WEEK! :)
Starting today, I will be posting some pulp related goodness every day until next Sunday.
We will have a new KARA BOCEK page on Wed and reveal the new covers for Green Hornet Year One and Kato Origins series and much more.

Let's start today with the second installment of my PULP ILLUSTRATED ™ tale "NIGHTMARE TOWN" written by master of Pulp Dashiell Hammett.
Hope you guys enjoy it and, as always, lemme hear from you if you have a spare minute :)

Have a Pulp Sunday everyone and make sure to tune in all weeek for tthe PULP FEST WEEK :)


All images © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.
PULP ILLUSTRATED ™ and © 2006-2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. I would have to say that this is proving to be very entertaining and a very "novel" way to reinvigorate an old story.

  2. I have a feeling of walk to the newstand and purchase he last issue of a magazine called "Pulp Sunday"

  3. Verrry nice!
    A "page-turner" indeed! ;-)

  4. Great stuff, Francesco.

    I've read Nightmare Town in the past and it is a real treat to see it illustrated by someone like you who has such a great grasp on the visual language of noir.

  5. Grazie mille, Chuck, Deka, Britt, and Brian, so happy to see you guys are enjoying this as much as I am drawing it :)

