Monday, April 19, 2010

Green Hornet Year One #4 Cover

Green Hornet Year One #2 Cover
~~ Click on the image for biggie ~~

Hello Pulp Friends,

we continue this Pulp Fest Week with this exclusive preview of the cover of Green Hornet Year One #4. Issue 2 just hit the stores last week and really nice reviews about the series keep coming in, so I hope you are picking this up. It has awesome covers from Cassaday and yours truly, pulp wiritng by Matt Wagner, pulp art by Aaron Campbell, and pulp colors by yours truly. It's good stuff all around :)

In related news (related to Pulp Fest Week) I am having a little poll goin on twitter and would like to extend it in here as well, so here we go:
As part of Pulp Fest Week I am planning to pick and draw a pulp character among all those that will be suggeste on twitter AND on Pulp Sunday (reply to this post). Put in your request before Wed evening and I will choose what to draw among all the entries and post it in here on Friday this week.
Characters can be from comicbook, novels, radio show, movies, anything that dates back to the 30s or 40s (I am kinda narrowing the range so to have a more limited range where to choose from).


Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. I like it. The hornet has great shading, but the pose it sort of mellow. This is balanced by the great looking figure and automobile in the background. You deserve a pat on the back, because drawing cars is a nightmare I'm glad I don't have to tackle.

  2. That's a great GH cover.

    My vote for a pulp week drawing is The Clock. Not enough people draw The Clock.

  3. With all due respect to main cover artist John Cassaday, THESE covers REALLY evoke the "feel" of the era!
    Superb, Francesco!

  4. You guys are making me blushing now :) Thank you so much for the sweet comments, Tome, Little John, and Britt :D

