Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Shadow Knows!

The Shadow Knows
~~ Click on the image for biggie ~~

Hello Pulp Friends,

I couldn't leave out of this Pulp Fest Week the character that started this blog a few years ago: THE SHADOW! I know some of you are missing the radio episodes and I promise I will do my best to bring that feature back (it's just getting hard to find available episodes - if not The Shadow, I will air some other radio serial).

Also, as you already know, I am having a little poll on which pulp character from the 30s or 40s I need to draw this coming Friday.
Here are the entries so far . feel free to keep suggesting characters, either here or on twitter:
Little John: The Clock
@simonpimpernel: Biggles, the Saint, Bulldog Dtummond, Athelstan King, Richard Hanay.
@HooperTriplett: Penny Savage.
@TimeSlingers: Humphrey Bogart as Jim Frazier in "Angels with DIrty Faces."
@Comicbookdaily: Crimson Clown
@joshcrawley: Miss Masque
@mizzelle: Boston Blackie
@everyueveryme: Dick Tracy! The Spirit! Dick Tracy vs The Spirit!
@michaelnixon: The Spider
@icrvn: Nick & Nora , the female Phantom, Julie Walker
@kylelatino: Zardi the eternal man
@toothpickvic: Doc Savage
Chris: Sailor Steve Costigan
Chad Carter: The Moon Man
@DocShaner: The Avenger
@s_e_gordon: G-8


Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Sailor Steve Costigan! (he is the main character in quite a number of Robert E. Howard's pulp boxing stories)

  2. I don't know if you've ever heard of "The Moon Man," but he sounds like a visual antecedent to Spider-Man villain Mysterio, only his glass head reflects like a mirror. You can only imagine all the funky stuff you could have there!

    Moon Man is a hero who seems to be a criminal, which is always appealing as well.

  3. They both sound like cool characters to draw :D Maybe I should extend this request thing to each Friday... ;)

    Thank you, CHris and Chad :)


  4. I'll second Doc Shanner on The Avenger.

  5. Why not go sci-fi with Captain Future (not the Project SuperPowers character, but the futuristic Doc Savage-like pulp hero)?


  6. Brian: I will draw The Avenger at some point, no doubt about it :)
    Britt: I am saving that for my Pulp SciFi Week (actually I think I featured Capt Future in my past editio of PSFW, even if I didn't draw the main character).

