Sunday, June 13, 2010

Agent G8!

Agent G8
(click on the above image for a bigger view!)

Hello Pulp friends :)

I promise I will get back very soon to our beloved features Kara Bocek and Nightmare Town (as soon I am done with a couple of deadlines), but meanwhile I hope you guys enjoy my take on Agent G8 (a commission for a dear friend) and hope you are all having a wonderful Pulp Sunday :)


All images © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.


  1. take it easy. deadlines come first ;) And for the art, wonderful. But the pistol... bueh, is .. to me is weird. But don't know much about G-8

  2. That is "beyond" awesome. I wanna see this guy starring in an entire issue.

  3. Nice to see you slip a Pulp character in again. Great G-8.

    Now if you will do a take off of one of the Operator 5 covers.
