Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Artificial Man

The Artificial Man
(click on the above image for a bigger view!)

Hello Pulp friends :)

I had a great time at HeroesCon this past weekend. A big thanks to all of you who stopped by to say hi and to those who grabbed a print or two or my books and sketches.

The Lovecraftiana prints and the Winged King Skull and the Dark Queen of Heart prints I brought with me at the show went SOLD OUT! :D
For those who are interested to purchase those prints online, you can email me and I will give you the paypal info (each print is $20 plus shipping)

Among several things I got at the show, I received the collected tpb of Battle Hymn, a wonderful golden-age inspired book by good friends B Clay Moore and Jeremy Haun (thanks Jeremy :)). and I couldn't help to draw one of the main characters of the book, The Artificial Man, as a quick warm-up this morning.
More on the show and hopefully some more GREAT news soon ;)


All images © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.
Battle Hymn © 2010 B Clay Moore & Jeremy Haun


  1. Congrats1 Er.. Artificial man .., is asteampunk-like android?

  2. Sorry for the typos. i was sneezing

  3. Artificial Man looks cool as a moose! You know how I feel about gas masks and goggles, FF.

  4. I love that picture! Battle Hymn was such a good book.

    Jermey is way fun to hang out with too. He did this one for me a few years back at FX:

  5. Mas que steampunk yo lo veo medio Dieselpunk, un experimento fallido en alguna camara de gas, quien sabe...

  6. That is an awesome illustration, Francesco. It was also terrific to meet you in Charlotte (at last) and my super-groovy Zorro commission is really the envy of my friends and family.

    You more than lived up to my expectations in accomplishing the drawing.

    If you get a chance, let me know if my interview questions arrived safely and email them back at your earliest convenience. Thanks, again!
