Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Making of Detective Comics #874 Cover

~~ Click on the image for biggie ~~

Hello Pulp Friends,

As promised, here is the "making of DC #874 Cover" with a little commentary to go with I prepared for the official DC Universe blog (thanks to Alex Segura for always doing such a great job in updating all the DC fans about current and upcoming books :))

"This is the cover of the first full feature dedicated to Commissioner Gordon you will see during 2011 on Detective Comics. That’s right, the back-up features will disappear after #873 to become full feature every 3-4 issue of Jock’s Batman feature. In Scott’s master plan, the Commissioner Gordon story is strictly correlated to what happens in the Batman story, so we thought this was the best way to get the two storylines run to parallel while still adapting to the new 20 pages format.

As always I try to do, I wanted this cover to reflect a bit the story inside issue 874, so I asked Scott for a brief synopsis and for what he would like to see on the cover. Once acquired that info, I produced the 2 layouts you see here. Everyone at DC loved the first concept (which was my favorite too) but we wanted to make sure there was some of the elements of the second concept too (the search in the woods). So I added some foliage to the insert image with the doll and voila’, you got the cover you saw yesterday.

Little trivia: the eye missing from the doll and ending up as something the kid is toying with was something I came up while working on the final inks (concept and pencils had the doll with both eyes - as you can see from the image below - and the kid just playing with a stick)

Hope you guys enjoy it and don’t forget to pick up Detective #871 at the end of November"

~~ Click on the image for biggie ~~

Hope you all had a wonderful Pulp Sunday and pls don't forget to pickup Detective #871 on the 24th of this month :)


Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla

1 comment:

  1. Kool.
    I love seeing how the ideas are combined from several different concepts into a final version.
    It gives us an insight into the artist's (Francesco's, in this case) thought processes and why certain decisions were made to produce a superb final piece.
