Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nightmare Town - Pt. 5

Nightmare Town
(click on the above image for a bigger reading experience ;))

Hello Pulp friends :)

You all will be happy to know that - starting today and for the next few months' Sundays - I am back to 2 "CLASSICS" installments here at Pulp Sunday: the hard boiled illustrated "NIGHTMARE TOWN" (written by Dashiell Hammett) and the exotic adventure of The Black Beetle in "KARA BOCEK" (written and illustrated by me).

Let's start today with part 5 of Dashiell Hammett's NIGTHMARE TOWN (if you need to refresh the emeory or start from part 1, click here) and please remember I am still running the HALLOWEEN SPECIAL on SCHERMOSCURO Vol.1 and/or print, so feel free to use the sidebar PAYPAL button to order the book and get an original sketch inside (see below). It's a great way to have something nice on your shelf and support Pulp Sunday at the same time :)

Schermoscuro Vol.1 sketchSchermoscuro Vol.1 sketch

Hope you guys dig it and hope you all had a fantastic Pulp Sunday :)


All images © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.
PULP ILLUSTRATED ™ and © 2006-2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Now that's a great combination. Dashiell Hammitt and Francesco Francavilla. Wow!

  2. Great job! this kinda thing is wonderful subject matter for your skills!

    ps. did you see how not only did iFanboy gush over your cool Twart Jonah Hex the other day, but they also sang your praises in their Detective review :

  3. Great job! this kinda thing is wonderful subject matter for your skills!

    ps. did you see how not only did iFanboy gush over your cool Twart Jonah Hex the other day, but they also sang your praises in their Detective review :

  4. Can't wait to see the next one :)
