Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nightmare Town - Pt. 6

Nightmare Town
(click on the above image for a bigger reading experience ;))

Hello Pulp friends :)

As promised, here's a new installment of Dashiell Hammett's NIGHTMARE TOWN :)

Hope you enjoy it and please consider take advantage of my November free-shipping sales on the Halloween archival prints (13"x19", signed, boarded and bagged) and Schermoscuro Vol.1 books (below a photo of my latest shipment, so to give the idea of how big and nice the prints are).
If you wanna something for your studio/office wall or shelf and support Pulp Sunday at the same time, then please use the side Paypal button to order :)

Schermoscuro Vol.1 & Prints

Thank you and wish you all a fantastic Pulp Sunday :)


All images © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.
PULP ILLUSTRATED ™ and © 2006-2010 Francesco Francavilla

1 comment:

  1. And have you a great career . Even gretaer than you have now ;)
