Wednesday, March 23, 2011

James JR. Revealed

~ Click on the images for a closer look ~

Hello Pulp Friends,

A week from today, on Wed March 30th, Detective Comics #875 will be in stores. It's, without doubts, the best issue I have done with Scott on Detective so far, and def one of the best book I have done in quite some time.

The story is self contained, so it can be read/enjoyed without needing to know that much (well, I am assuming everyone knows who Gordon is, and by now you may also know he has an estranged son, James JR. ;)). The book is only 22 pages but, trust me, it feels a 30 or more page long book. It's an excellent read and has a couple of pretty pictures in it as well ;)

Ok, enough gushuing about it, I wanted just to let you know I will be posting a few things until the book release next week. Hope you enjoy it and hope you will tell to your local comic shop to save a copy for you while you are shopping today or this week :)

Today's offering: the last splash page from Detective 874 teasing at the upcoming story in #875.


Written by Scott Snyder
Illustrated by Francesco Francavilla
Lettered by Jared K. Fletcher
Edited by Mike Marts, Janelle Asselin, Katie Kubert
Cover by Francesco Francavilla
“There are some cases that come screaming back at you…like phone calls in the night…”
For years, Jim Gordon has been haunted by the unsolved case of Gotham’s notorious
“Peter Pan Killer.” Now, armed with new evidence, Gordon is determined to put the case to rest.
But as he digs deeper, he’ll unearth a shocking discovery about his own past – a revelation that will shake him to the core. Skeletons will be exposed and secrets revealed in this special issue featuring art by Francesco Francavilla!

On sale March 30 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Kind Sir, for you to say that this will be the best book you have done in a while is saying more than you can imagine...every book you have done recently is at the top of the must-read list, so that is high praise indeed. Can't wait.


    i found this on youtube..
