Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Return of The Black Beetle

The Black Beetle in Operazione Kara Bocek
~~ Click on the image for poster size! ~~

Hello Pulp Friends,

I just wanted to tell you to mark your calendars, 'cause April will see the return (and completion over several weeks) of "Kara Bocek", one of the first adventure of our beloved masked hero, The Black Beetle.
Until then, pls enjoy this bit of art offered here, featuring a rare italian edition of Kara Bocek and a sketch from the sold out ashcan :)

Hope everyone is as excited about the return of the Black Beetle as I am :)

And I hope everyone is having a wonderful Pulp Sunday.


"The Black Beetle", "Kara Bocek", and Artwork created by & © 2011 Francesco Francavilla

The Black Beetle

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