(click on the above image for larger view)
Yesterday's SargeSteel/Giordano tribute got me thinking: would you guys be interested in seeing some old school book illustrated by yours truly the way the old pulp magazine novel were used to do? I did a little example of what I mean (using yesterday image cause I am a little short on time today): of course if this gets the green light, I will illustrate the text accordingly ;)
So, I know it might be a little annoying to log in and leave a comment, but I would really like to hear from as many of you about this new - possibly weekly - feature. It will require to cut extra time in my already busy week, but if there is lots of interest in it, I will do my darn best to find the time.
Lemme hear it from you, pulp friends :)
EDIT: Thanks for the great response so far, everyone :)
Keep the feedback/thoughts coming, please. :D
Meanwhile here's a quick rough sketch for the illo that will be spotlighted on the first spread (as mentioned, the Sarge Steel one was a temporary layout thing - the new illos will be strictly connected with the text that goes with).
I will get to the finished version sometime soon, I am hoping, when I am done with some work that is in my plate right now.
Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla