(click on the above image for a bigger view!)
Hello Pulp friends :)
I decided to make it easier for those of you looking for me at shows to find me ;)
So, starting from the very upcoming HEROES CON, look for this image printed on a big vertical banner :)
I might have some print of this (minus my name ;)) for sale as well, if you guys dig the image :)
All images © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.
Dark Winged Skull King ™ and © 2010 Francesco Francavilla
Man, what to even say. There are no words. You've created something truly spectacular and I wish I could get to a con to see this bad boy live. If you ever come to Australia we have a great little con, Supanova. Perhaps one day I'll see you there.
Great image, I love the weird science flavour given by the jar. A strong image, ;)
Horsemen will carry this when you raise an army to take over the world.
That is an amazingly cool banner!!!!
That is one of the best possessed tentacled skulls in a jar with wings that I have ever seen!
Wow, man! That's really cool.
fantastic! if you do have some prints available, I'd love to buy one!!
Funny, I pictured you as taller... ;-)
This is fantastic. As is the other banner. There's no possible way I can go to HeroesCon, as I'm in Arizona, but I'd love to get my hands on both of these. Will you have them available for sale on your site?
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