Saturday, April 27, 2013

"BATMAN 1972"

~~ Click on each image for larger views ~~

Hello Pulp Friends,

     I believe early '70s exploitation/grindhouse genres qualify as PULP, don't you all agree? :)

   I have been tinkering recently with a take on Batman set in that 70s styling. So, this Sunday, I give you BATMAN 1972!

   To keep him in "the part", my Batman smokes, wear a leather coat and a turtleneck, and drives a cool 70s BatMobile (an OldsMobile maybe? ;) I still need to decide on brand and model :))

   I even have already a story pitch that could make for a cool Elseworlds or "out of continuity" GN. (I am keeping that pitch "secret" for now ;))

   Of course, as usually it happens in these cases, I start to flesh out all the other characters/stars of the story.
So following is a couple of takes on Selina Kyle, aka Foxy CATWOMAN.

   Yes, you are witnessing the first case of BATPLOITATION. Hope ya dig it :)

   I might be doing/posting more...

Have a wonderful Pulp Sunday, everyone :)



Unknown said...

This is awesome! Great concept and fantastic art as always!

Cappy Tally said...

DC would be insane to not want to publish that comic ASAP.

Utility Belt said...
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Utility Belt said...

He should drive a 1970s Mustang! That's an awesome seventies car. Or, might I suggest, a Buick Wildcat.

Unknown said...

Fantastic, my friend!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Pontiac GTO!

Unknown said...

No. The car is exactly right. Modified '69 Toronado.

This needs to go direct to the big screen!

Bob said...

Just FYI, this really inspired me.

Populuxe Cowboy said...

I would like to offer another suggestion for the '72 Batmobile: AMC Javelin. The 1971-1974 model, specifically. It's unique and exactly period correct. Have a look, see what you think.

Populuxe Cowboy said...
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glyphjockey said...

awesomw - you need to put social media links on your posts

kojak said...

very nice. originally, Batman Begins was going to be this exact kind of thing, when it was to be written and directed by Darren Aronofsky and Frank Miller. the movie studio wanted to Happy Meal the script to death so they bailed. hopefully you get to do this book.

kojak said...

very nice. originally, Batman Begins was going to be this exact kind of thing, when it was to be written and directed by Darren Aronofsky and Frank Miller. the movie studio wanted to Happy Meal the script to death so they bailed. hopefully you get to do this book.

Unknown said...

If you EVER sell poster-sized prints of these - I want one!

Unknown said...

If you EVER publish these as poster-sized prints, I want one!

Anonymous said...

The car looks exactly the way a 72 Monte Carlo with bat wings would look

Unknown said...

Please sign my pettition to get Batman 1972 considered for publishing. Thank you

Unknown said...

Please sign my petition to get Batman 1972 published.

Unknown said...

Please sign my pettition to get Batman 1972 published. Thank you.

Abecedarius Rex said...

Love it, man. Good stuff. Is your Riddler more of a gangster? If so, great choice.