Sunday, March 29, 2009

BLACK BEETLE Vs MAX MALONE ( poll - updated!)

Hello Pulp Friends,

last Sunday I shared a pulpish creation of mine that dates back to 15 years ago, MAX MALONE: I was wondering if I should take it to the next step and have it developed in the form of webcomics and you guys seemed excited about that idea.
Well, diggin through my things, I found this other guy I came up with about 3 years ago, BLACK BEETLE. Where MAX MALONE is more a sci-fi pulp noir, this is more in the vein of masked vigilante pulp in some sort of '40s/'50s settings, with some slight (40s/50s) sci-fi tone to it.

Now here's the idea: I know a few pulp fans visits this blog regularly, so I would like to do a poll. Since I am kinda busy with several projects, if I have time to develop a webcomic, which one you would like to see "sequentialized" first: Max Malone or Black Beetle? Let me hear it from you and thanks for the input :)


Click on the teaser image above for the bigger version. The art is from 2006, the "dress-up titles" from today ;)

Edit: I added an updated teaser for MAX MALONE (below) to have a fair fight ;)


Edit: The generous response from you wonderful pulp aficionados pushed me to put up some more art to help to decide. :)
Here's another teaser for Black Beetle and look for more Max Malone later today or tomorrow.

Thank you all,


Edit> And here is the new art for Max Malone, as promised. Sorry for the little delay but I had to wrap up issue 4 of GARRISON and that's exactly what I did this morning ;)
Please keep the voting comig - would love to hear from all of you :)




Chris Roberson said...

I vote Black Beetle. I'm a sucker for masked avengers.

Anthony Schiavino said...

Damn you make this tuff. Black Beetle I'd have to say just because of the sheer fun of it.

There's a movie being made with Thomas Jane called Give Em Hell Malone. I don't know that his name is max but you should take a look.

Anthony Schiavino said...

And you'd have to let me plug it on my website.

Francesco Francavilla said...

Thank you, Chris, me too :D
Thank you too, Anthony :)
I checked that title/movie and... "A tough as nails private investigator (Malone) squares off with gangsters and their thugs to protect a valuable secret." Crap! A PI called Malone!!! it's a totally different settings/story (I think) but still a problematic coincidence. We will see how the poll goes and eventually solve the issue, if needed.
And yes, by all means, plug this away, Anthony: the more I hear from the better is :)
SO far we got 3 votes for Black Beetle (I got one via email).
Keep em comng, buddies :)


Kyle Latino said...

Well, I'd like to see either of them, but Max takes my vote. I get enough capes in the floppies.

Anonymous said...

my vote goes to the"Black Beetle" nothing like a gooood pulp!!

Chad Carter said...

I actually screamed and bounced up and down when I saw the Black Beetle, FF, almost as if you knew I'd fall in love with him in shameless love like no hetero male could possibly love another...thus, you see, where I'm coming from.

Keller said...

I'll vote for Max too. Yeah Max.

Doc Shaner said...

I can't stress enough how much I like both, but I find myself leaning towards Black Beetle. It might be the way you presented him, but I really like the look.

wordballoon said...

i like them both Francesco . pulp and noir are 2 of my favorite types of stories.

Neue Ziel said...

I loved Max Malone. BUT! Black Bettle gets my vote without a second thought. He reminds me of Lobster Johnson.

P.S You sure are a pulp enthusiast, aren't you Mr. Francavilla?

chris said...

I'm going to have to go with Max on this one.

Daniel said...

I'm tired of super hero books, but I would like to see what YOU would do with a character like Black Beetle. Especially as a webcomic form.

Francesco Francavilla said...

Thank you so much, Kyle, Bob, Chad (HA! :D), Keller, Evan, John, Neue (yes I do ;)), Chris, Daniel, I really appreciate the input :)
SO far we have 10 votes for BB (including some off-blog)and 4 votes for MM.
I see how someone could be attracted by the better presentation (also most recent) of the BB, so I decided to make this a fair fight and updated Max Malone (see the revised original post) with modern sensibility (and skills, since the sequentials I shared were 15 years old), so now should get a better idea of how they would look in the webcomic.
So, in a corner we have Black Beetle, a masked avenger, no superpowers, just his own strength and some high-tech gadgets/guns, fighting crime and some horror/scifi 50s bio-product, and in the other corner we have Max Malone, a PI with an agenda, solving cases in a future where machines are a little more than just "slave-labor".
Let the fight continue :)


Cullen Bunn said...

I'm gonna go with Black Beetle. I'd love to see what you could do with that type of character.

B. Clay Moore said...

Black Beetle!

Hopeless said...

Black Beetle is rad as hell. He gets my vote.

stephen said...

I'ma vote for MAX.

Unknown said...


i gotta go BLACK BEETLE. :)

Parker said...

Either way, I win! Can't wait.

Neue Ziel said...

Gosh! This thread's gotta be one of the most "replied to" Ever. Right?

Mark Englert said...

Black Beetle! You should have Black Beetle fight that robot in the Malone pic...

Chad Carter said...

Even as gnarly cool as Max is in that teaser, I still gotta go Black Beetle. Goggles plus beetle motif is $$$$.

Thanks for BOTH of these, FF.

Francesco Francavilla said...

Thank you so much, Cullen, B Clay, Dennis, Stephen, Andy, Jeff, Neue, Mark, and Chad: your input and opinion are precious and most appreciated :)

The situation is (counting external votes): 19 for Black Beetle and 8 for Max Malone. I will let the poll going all week, but it seems more and more that BB is gonna get a spotlight pretty soon ;) But I am not giving up on Malone just yet: he seems tough enough to hang in there and maybe even win this :)

Thanks again for the input, guys, you are the best :)



Francesco this is an easy one!! Black Beetle for the win!!! He is bad ass looking. I hope to see his adventures brought to life soon. Great stuff as always and you truly are the hardest working man in Comics !!! LOL


Dave said...

I vote Black Beetle. BTW, love your site.

Eric Morse said...

I vote Max Malone - USB Connection is just too good of a title to pass up.

Honolulu Dogfight said...

I gotta go with Black Beetle. Either way I'm happy though...

maurizio battista said...

They are both amazing. I initially preferred Black Beetle, but now Max Malone seems to be more interesting. :-)

Unknown said...

Ah, Francesco and webcomics! What a delight!
My friend, I'm going to place my vote for Black Beetle simply because the character has a more iconic look than Max. I'll bet both would be great!!
I'll be covering this from the Ghost Zero blog as well!)
Bravo, my friend!

Greg said...

Put me down for Black Beetle. I'm down with masked avengers.

Chris Samnee said...

Black Beetle all the way!
You rule, sir.

Kyle Latino said...

WHOA! Really dig the new art for Max! Also, great to see the response to the poll.

Kyle Latino said...

Also, whatever you do, you might think about adapting it eventually to iVerse or some other iPhone comic viewer. That would kick ass!

Francesco Francavilla said...

Thank you, Kirk (hardest I dunno, but busy, that yes ;)), Roger, Eric (glad you, and others, enjoyed the pun title on The French COnnection ;)), George, Maurizio, Dave, Greg, Chris, and Kyle: you guys are the sweetest :)
Thanks also for covering the poll in your blogs, I really appreciate it - the more cast their vote, the better I know which pulp I am tackling first :)
And yes, the format will be i-phone friendly, since we are heading that way anyway ;)

So here's an updated result (including external votes): 25 votes for Black Beetle and 12 for Max Malone.

I just added extra BB teaser to the original post, which will be followed by extra MM teaser later tonight. I thought you guys might need some extra art to decide ;)

Thanks again, everyone :)


Jason Arnett said...

My vote is for Black Beetle, yes!

But Max v. Beetle would probably be fun, too.

No, Beetle first, please.

Francesco Francavilla said...

Thank you for casting your vote, Jason, I appreciate it :)
Guess that makes 26 for BB. I updated the original post with new art about Max Malone: maybe that will entice new votes ;)
Either way, keep em coming: only a few days reamining to decide.


monkeyfeather said...

I liked them so much, I have to comment again. These are amazingly awesome.

As much as USB Connection cracks me up, I think I want to see more Black Beetle.

Must find time to do fan art of Black Beetle...

Luke H said...

I vote Max.

Francesco Francavilla said...

Thank you so much, John, and PLEASE find the time for that fanart: that would be great and I would be honored (invitation extended to everyone who has the time and will too ;))
Luke: thank you for the vote :)

SItuation is: BB with 27 votes and MM with 14 votes.

2 more days...


SiDEBAR said...

I cast my vote for the Black Beetle. I'm a sucker for masked vigilantes---The Shadow, Batman, Zorro, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Lone Ranger...

Craig Zablo said...

Max gets my vote, but I'm in either way!

Bubbashelby said...

One more vote for Black Beetle!

Orrin said...

Black Beetle!

-U! a.k.a. Uriel A. Duran said...

Probably doesn't need at all,but add another vote to the Black Beetle.

Neue Ziel said...

Wew artwork for both characters is nothing short of amazing. and although Max Malone looks really mean i gotta stick with the Black Beetle, it's too much of an awesome vigilante.

Unknown said...

Mate i vote for Black Beetle go for it .by the way i did a wallpaper logo from you original art that you have posted early i will posted later

Unknown said...

I will give us some backstory for the two characters ?
Like what the name of the hometowns or something else

Unknown said...

Can i vote twice ?

Unknown said...

This some wallpaper i did .I hope you like will try to do more

Francesco Francavilla said...

Thank you so much, Swain, Craig, Eric, Orrin, Uriel, Neue, and Slavi (no you can't vote twice ;) but you can change your vote if you want to :) - cool idea for a wallpaper, even if it's a tad blurred ;)), I am happy to hear from you guys :)
SO the situation is pretty much the same, with a proportion of 2 to 1: BB with 33 votes and MM with 16 votes.
Still a couple of days to see if something changes. Meanwhile please let me know if you like BB with the red goggles (like in the second illo) or in gray (like in the first teaser).

Thank you, pulp friends, you guys rock :D


Unknown said...

I think gray are better

Unknown said...
Here is another one . I hope you like .Will be there more teaser ?
Maybe that will change things up .

Kyle Latino said...

well, if Max is going down, the gey goggles look best.

Francesco Francavilla said...

slavi: thank you :) I think I prefer the previous one since I am for a simpler approach. About teasers, I think the next thing we will see it will be the actual cover and/or some sequentials. Stay tuned!
Kyle: noted and thank you :)

So, based on the new teaser, someone has changed his mind and went from BB to MM. PLus I got another MM vote via email so we go to 32 for BB and 18 for MM: things are changing a bit ;)


Unknown said...

I collect most of the art you have posted on your blog and add the few teaser that you have posted early and make some sort of promotion for the web comics ,plus some another related black beetle wallpapers i hope you all like it. <=this one just for fun nothing personal :P
What are you think mate are they good , post any comment will be nice thank you in advance

Unknown said...

Tell what do you think about this one it's graffiti inspired work
use of some fonts and some homemade fx.

Goodnight i am going to bed now

Anthony Schiavino said...

Me thinks somebody REEEEALLLY wants to draw Max! LOL!

Grey eyed Black Beetle. The other looks a little too cartoony and less pulp.

Ilia said...

I love the Max images more then the Black Beetle images. The images you have posted digital or paper? The Max posters are incredible.

But you know what, if you pick one over the other why don't you have a guest appearance by the other. That way you can keep everyone happy.

Per said...

Both looks great, but nothing beats a masked avenger in a 1949 setting

Francesco Francavilla said...

Slavi: Thanks again for the enthusiasm :) Just make sure to leave the line with my credits/signature/copyright when using my artwork for these wallpapers ;)
Anthony: HA! I just like to draw robots, that is ;)
Ilia: thank you :) MM will have its own comic later. A cross-over might be cool too - need to think about that :) Inks and grays are digital, but underneath pencils are mostly traditional.
Per: thank you for casting your vote :)

Head up to this week new post for more BB art.


Federico Milella said...

queste illustrazioni sono troppo belle Francesco!!!!
e poi quel rosso li mi attizza

Francesco Francavilla said...

Grazie mille, cumpa' :D


Mark Brown said...

Black Beetle, please.