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hope you all are having a joyful time with your families and friends during these holidays :)
As promised early this week, here's a full complete story, a silent tale in the tradition of LULLUBY and my recent FURY and JONAH HEX short tales.
Some of you will remember this story: originally aired here on Pulp Sunday in December 2007, in a strip format, I am re-airing today in re-mastered first-time-in-color version, and in a comic format.
Hope you all enjoy what I consider a "Margot Year Zero" tale: yep, the girl in the story is what will become the future assistant of Lamont Creston/The SHADOW! :)
Click on the pages for a bigger and better viewing/reading experience.
Have a Pulp Sunday everyone! :)
"BLOOD ON CHRISTMAS" Story & Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla

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