Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SotW: Baba Yaga

Sisterhood of the Witches
Hi guys,

today's witch is easily one of the most famous and most evil witches known in the world and one of the oldest legend too.


Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga, originally from Russian folklore, has been through a recent revival thanks to MIke MIgnola, who has used her in his Hellboy stories.
Maybe many of you are already familiar with her, but for those who aren't, Baba Yaga is known to be quite mean and to be a baby eater. She also lives in a house that has chicken feet and rides a mortar (even if she carries the classic broom as well).

Below, some detail of the illo.
Baba Yaga

More witches to follow. Make sure to be back tomorrow for a new witch and have some true pulp scares everyone :)


"Sisterhood of the Witches" © 2008 Francesco Francavilla


Greg said...

This is a very fine piece of work, the level of detail is wonderful, but also how clearly delineated all the objects are, while there is a great deal in the picture it isn't "cluttered" or "busy".
Pretty creepy too, I think if I'd grown up russian I'd be terrified of Baba Yaga.

Unknown said...

Ok, that's a seriously creepy pic, Francesco. The inclusion of the baby just really sets off how "wrong" the whole atmosphere is.
This series is obviously a labor of love!)

Francesco Francavilla said...

Greg: thank you so much for the kind words, esepcially about the "readibility" of sich elaborate illo: that means a lot :)
Dave: you bet this is labor of love :) I added some closeup detail so you can see better the crying kid ;) Thanks for your kind comment :)
