Please allow me some pimpin' time, as Zorro is a Pulp hero, actually one of the first pulp heroes, no doubt about that :)
The first issue of the new Zorro series by Dynamite just came out this week: it's written by the Maestro Matt Wagner and illustrated by truly yours Francesco. If you have picked it up or you plan to, feel free to hit me back with comments, compliments, or insults: I take everything ;)
The above is the teaser for issue 2.
You might actually get me to buy a new comic :)
I picked up one of the few remaining copies over at Meltdown this week.
Loved it as it structurally picked up on a lot of the stuff Allende did in her novel - or at least the mood/motif - We get know the man behind the mask of the Fox.
I was kind of hoping it would be in B&W though as your "test page" had me primed for that presentation. (as well as the fact I'm also reading Wagner's B&W&Red GRENDEL series right now)
But trust me, I'll live with color.
Go forth and pulpify!
Hi Francesco
I am glad to hear that you are finally back at work.
I bought Zorro and had mixed feelings. I liked the art and respect any artist that has to spend almost the entire issue drawing 12 yr old boys. You must have been channeling Toth, your art reflected it. I loved the way you left Zorro to the Shadows.
The story was a little to decompressed for me. I understand that it was building the history and influences that will drive Diego/Zorro.
Overall I give the issue a sold B. I hope we get to see you do a cover.
Congrats on the Zorro gig - sweet!
srh: that's quite flattering! Thank you :)
Bill: thank you :) I am glad you will survive to the color edition ;) and I will certainly go forth and pulpify some more :)
Ilia: We are building issue by issue - after all, it is a miniseries of 8 issue about the roigins, but we will see Zorro more and more in the next issues, I promise :) Thanks for picking up the book and I hope you are enjoying my back covers :)
Skylark: thank you! :D
I finally got my hands on a copy last week, and I loved it man. As said above, I'm so used to seeing your black and white/monotone stuff that at first the colors were a little shocking (not in a bad way).
There are some really great bits of storytelling though. I love the part at the beginning with the soldiers describing Zorro (the demon bit) and all their expressions. The parts where Diego watched as the farmer's daughter was beaten was gripping as well.
I'm gushing, but basically, I'm really excited for issue 2.
I had high hopes for this series, especially after seeing some of your pages at ACE last month, and I'm very pleased to say that the first issue did not disappoint!
Your storytelling continues to impress and Matt's writing so far is a wink and a nod to serials of the past, yet with a fresh look at the "usual suspects."
I enjoyed the appetizer and am very much looking forward to the next course!
Evan and Mike: thank you so much, guys, I am very happy to hear you enjoyed the book so much. I am even happier (and grateful) that you took some time to let me know about it :D
really appreciated, guys :)
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