Hello dear Pulp Fans,
We should have expected it. Guns, knives, fists, hitting, stabbing, knocking... we should have expected all that mess would wake up our little angel... And now what?
While you think about it, I hope you enjoy the third installment of "Blood on Christmas". And please leave a note or two, if you feel inclined to. :)
This episode has been brought to you commercial free (no Blue Coal at all ;))
Enjoy and have a Pulp Christmas!
Blood on Christmas - Part 3

How did the Claus get the drop on the Shadow?
By surprise. The Shadow didn't see Santa was pulling a knife. Also the fact they are still in the girl's room makes The Shadow more cautious in using his gun. Things might look a bit jumping from a strip to another, but that's the nature of the strips (as opposite to a page of sequentials where you can play with more panels and different size panels) and it has a bit of that old cheesy feel (like the jumping/jarring video of the Dharma project on Lost) that makes this a lil' more authentic ;)
Wow, that was a hell of a patch :P
Wrong answer. It is because the Claus has been breaking and entering for years :)
Actually I can picture the exasperated look on the Shadow's face as he thinks "Jeez, this lout actually wants to fight in the girls room. We could have done this outside."
My question is:
Has she been naughty or nice this year?
srh: HA! Yeah, now that you make me think about it, Santa has been breaking into houses for centuries without being cought once! ;)
Bill That's really a good question... Only Santa knwos ;)
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