Hi guys,
today's witch is a little less fictional than yesterday's. As matter of fact this one might be so "real" that she is believed to be the cause of John Bell's death.
John Bell moved in Tennessee with his family in 1803 looking for a better land. He found it and for several years things were going great and the family grew in number, until that day (or should I say night) in 1817 when John saw a weird animal, like a dog with a rabbit head, in his fields and tried to shoot it. Right after that, weird and creepy things started to happen: voices, noises, things moving, in and around the house, like an evil presence was haunting the place. And the legend of the Bell witch was born.
The witch was believed to be living in a cave on the Bells property and she seemed to have something personal with the capo familia. John started to get sick and sicker without no apparent reason and the day he died (Dec 19, 1820) they found a little bottle with dark liquid close to his bed. When they put a few drops on the mouth of the family cat, the cat instantly died.
I tried to put as many elements of this story in the image, trying to tell the legend with this illo. I hope I succeded a little bit.
Make sure to be back tomorrow for a new witch and have some true pulp scares everyone :)
"Sisterhood of the Witches" © 2008 Francesco Francavilla